Seeking Ideas
Management Team
Outside Advisors

Medical innovations evolved into breakthrough businesses.
Forward-thinking ideas demand a forward-thinking company.

The Innovation Factory acquires novel medical technology ideas from individual inventors, corporations and universities, develops ideas comprehensively – from proof of concept to FDA approval – into marketable products, and then launches businesses around those products. We manage the complex path to market for early-stage medical device companies.

With our deeply experienced management team and top-tier funding partners, we have assembled the intellectual, scientific, operational and financial resources needed to take a great idea from paper to production. Our nimble approach to both product and business development allows us to vet ideas properly and efficiently, maximizing predictability and speeding time-to-market while reducing risk for everyone involved.

The Innovation Factory welcomes medical-related ideas and referrals from a variety of sources, and we promise confidentiality and timely response to all inquiries. For more information, please select the appropriate perspective: Inventor, University or Corporation.


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